Mobile Wallet in the Retail Industry
The Mobile Wallet allows you to send messages to promote the brand and boost sales:
the user only needs to scan a QR code and press the button that adds the new card in the Wallet. From that moment, the company can send notifications while the user will store them in the Wallet for future use.
The mobile wallet can provide many benefits to online marketing in the retail sector without technical development:
- Full availability for customers: available at all times.
- Digital loyalty cards: support for environmental commitment.
- Reactivate the relationship with your customers and sell more: strengthen communication with the customer and increase revenue.
- Capture the audience at the point of sale: build loyalty to your target audience.
- Unlimited shipping: No monthly limits.
In short, the retail sector can find multiple benefits in the use of mobile wallet.
If you want to know how to install it in your business, you can follow us on our social networks, or try a demo of our product, totally free.