05 JUN. 2023
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Learn how to design your own customer journey map and increase conversions in your business

Increasing CTR (Click-Through Rate) involves getting more people to click on your communications and engage with your content. To achieve this, it’s important to create a customer journey map and use the most relevant communication channel for your audience at the right moment, and at indigitall, we specialize in that. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Know your audience: Analyze your target audience to understand their needs, interests, and behaviors. This will help you identify the communication channel they use most frequently and the moment when they are most receptive.

  2.  Define touchpoints: Identify the different touchpoints you have with your customers throughout their journey, from the initial discovery to conversion. These touchpoints can include the website, emails, social media, paid ads, among others.

  3. Map the customer journey: Create a customer journey map that represents the key stages your audience goes through, from brand awareness to purchase and beyond. Include details about customers’ emotions, needs, and actions at each stage.

  4. Identify key moments: Identify crucial moments in the customer journey where you can impact your customers and increase the CTR. For example, a key moment could be when a potential customer visits your website for the first time or when they receive a follow-up email after showing interest in your product or service.

  5. Personalize messages and communication channel: Use the information collected in the previous steps to personalize your messages and select the most suitable communication channel for each customer at each stage of the journey. This involves tailoring your content and tone of voice to resonate with your audience and using the channel they prefer, whether it’s email, social media, push notifications, etc.

  6. Offer relevant and engaging content: Ensure that the content you share is valuable, relevant, and engaging for your audience at each touchpoint. This can include special offers, educational content, customer testimonials, product demonstrations, among others.

  7. Continuously optimize: Track and analyze your results to understand which approaches are working best and which aspects can be improved. Use analytical tools to measure CTR on each channel and conduct A/B testing to evaluate different approaches.


Remember that each audience and business is unique, so it’s important to adapt these strategies to your own circumstances. Monitor your results closely and adjust your communication approach based on feedback and comments from your customers.

If you want to learn how to easily implement this guide, click here and learn how to design a customer journey on indigitall and how their artificial intelligence analyzes, segments, and delivers communications at the best moment and on the most used device by the customer for greater impact.

You just have to tell the platform what to do!

Related topics: Customer Journey