01 MAR. 2023
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Include Artificial Intelligence Functionalities and create the perfect message


Artificial intelligence is one of the best allies in any marketing campaign. Technology will help us to achieve our goals. Therefore, from indigitall we want to explain how to find the best time to send messages according to your needs.

Perfect communications
with AI

Email marketing campaigns and the use of other messaging channels are one of the best options to communicate with your audience. However, it is important that you can carry out a fully personalized customer journey according to your target audience.

Artificial intelligence and new technologies are some of your main allies to always find the best words in ads and moments to generate interest in your products and services and, above all, increase the conversion rate. On the other hand, the engagement of your messages will also help to achieve customer loyalty.

One of the first objectives is to generate sales but, subsequently, to build customer loyalty so that they will buy on a recurring basis in your store. Including all the artificial intelligence features will allow you to create the perfect message and get the most out of each of the campaigns you carry out.

Choose the right time and the right words for your campaigns

With indigitall’s AI functionalities you can find a wide range of possibilities, from programming the best sending time for each user with a simple click to choosing the best words to create the texts for your campaigns.

Carry out Smart A/B tests

However, you should not overlook the importance of carrying out smart A/B tests. This type of experiment allows you to test different messages and change other segmentation criteria, and then compare the metrics. Through this, you will obtain a lot of information that you can later use to improve the performance of your campaigns.

Additionally, we recommend you to carry out this type of tests because all these data feed the artificial intelligence algorithms and later they will make better recommendations so that you can meet your objectives. Also, do not forget that technology also allows you to optimize your time and, in this way, be much more efficient at all times.

Technology also adapts to all the changes that the market may have. The audience does not behave in a linear way throughout the year, with peaks of demand occurring in different sectors.
In addition, it will give you advice on the best images, calls to action, URLs or other resources that can complement your message and, in this way, increase the profitability of each of your actions. There are many advantages that this type of tool puts at your disposal.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence and all the technological advances will help you find the best time to send messages. At indigitall we are experts in creating customer journeys to generate a multichannel strategy with your audience. Contact us and we will advise you.

Temas relacionados: Inteligencia Artificial