Use Cases
23 NOV. 2022
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SMS and Mobile Wallet in the travel sector: what you need to know

The use of SMS and the mobile wallet is very useful for the travel sector. They are two essential tools for sending information or promotions, among other uses. Thanks to them, you will be able to reach more customers and achieve a wide variety of benefits. indigitall explains below what both channels do for you.

Uses of SMS and mobile wallet
The messages to the mobile phone have great versatility. With them you have the possibility of notifying changes in a travel itinerary. For example, if a flight has been delayed, your customer will know instantly. You will receive all the data in real time and without any delay. Another use that you can give it is to share personal access codes or boarding passes.

The information sent is based on the actions of the client and is sent without the possibility of copying by third parties. In this way, security and privacy are maintained at all times. In addition, you add value to the user by giving them essential data without which they cannot act.

As for the mobile wallet, it allows you to communicate directly. You easily inform the user about discounts, promotions or details of a payment. The shipments are automatically stored on the device, which gives the person freedom to use them when they see fit. For example, if you are going to travel in the next few days, you can get a discount on the price of accommodation.

Most outstanding benefits
The mobile wallet gives you the possibility to digitize loyalty cards. They are available to the user, who can use them at any time and place. Thus, you show him that he can count on your brand wherever he is. In addition, you give them access to all the information they need, such as the points they have accumulated or discount coupons.

It is a customizable solution through push notifications, something essential so that your brand’s colors or logo are always present. Another important aspect is implementation. The process is quick and easy, as it only takes two hours. This allows you to enjoy this new communication channel almost instantly.

As for the SMS, its main benefit is the immediacy of the communications, which are direct. The message arrives at the right time and always provides valuable information. It also helps you to differentiate yourself from your competition because it is not a very exploited channel and this provokes curiosity in the user. When listening to the sound of your mobile, you can not help but check what is happening.

In short, thanks to SMS and the mobile wallet you reach your audience quickly and effectively. You send him valuable information that helps him on his journey. Whether it’s a delay or a change in the itinerary, you contribute to improve their experience. And if you want to try this technology, we are experts. We carry out an agile implementation and completely adapted to the characteristics of your business. Discover our free demo !