07 JUN. 2023
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Meta and indigitall join in partnership for the development of WhatsApp Business API solutions

Meta certifies indigitall as WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The American multinational, a benchmark for disruptive and successful technology, has valued very positively our experience and innovative capacity to become its ally and endorsed company for the development of WhatsApp Business API solutions.


indigitall has positioned itself as a leader in the implementation of WhatsApp Business API implementing creative projects for Aldi, Bankinter, Carrefour, Estee Lauder and Repsol, among other prominent clients. These solutions allow opening a two-way communication channel between the brand and its users, creating a friendly experience and a more lasting bond. On the one hand, our clients can offer a more efficient customer support service with 24×7 attention at a reduced cost. And likewise they have a direct and immediate channel with their users to communicate their promotional campaigns and other relevant information digitally with higher conversion rates at minimum cost, supporting the development of communications related to environmental sustainability policies.

Discover our WhatsApp Business API solutions here.


Customer Journey

Meta and indigitall share an identical vision of the technological scenario with a focus on people. Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg says “our goal is not to build a platform; it’s to be cross all of them”. Precisely, the Customer Journey developed by indigitall is a clear reflection of Zuckerberg’s words, pointing to the need of the user to communicate with the brand through different channels within a global, integrated and satisfactory experience.


The founders of indigitall emphasize the importance of user experience as the main focus of technological innovation. Thus, Xavier Omella affirms that “indigitall works tirelessly to offer user-friendly experiences and effective solutions for our clients, within a framework of privacy protection and fostering economic opportunities”. For his part, Juan Carlos de la Vela indicates that “the expansion of indigitall in Europe, the United States and Latin America is motivated by our desire to facilitate digital transformation everywhere, the only way to achieve sustainable growth and development at a global level that benefits society as a whole”.


Zuckerberg’s organization considers indigitall as a competent, innovative and ambitious partner it needs, as well as a diverse Team that is committed to sustainability and works enthusiastically based on the principles of Meta: giving people a voice, building connection and community, serving everyone, keeping people safe and protecting privacy, and promoting economic opportunity.

Temas relacionados: Whatsapp Business Whatsapp Business API