How inApp messages and app pushes can increase sales in the food and beverage industry
App messages and app push notifications represent a very useful tool for companies belonging to the food and beverage sector. They help to encourage interaction between users and companies, while allowing the creation of a personalized experience. Find out in this article!In-app messaging use casesindigitall helps you to establish direct communication with your customers through these types of channels. App push notifications are received without having the application open while inApp communications are published directly on it. Both solutions are used to:Notify a promotion, such as the discount that is applied during a certain time, the price reduction of a product, a 2×1 campaign, etcReport on the launch of a campaign. This is the case of those focused on a pack of items with a joint price or a premiere menuGive several raffles and various prizes among users, who can receive tickets to a concert or t-shirts with the firm’s logo, among other giftsSubmit the addition to the existing list of food and beverages of new proposals that are for saleCongratulate the customer on his birthday or for his loyalty, offering him a discount on his next purchase or a gift item included in itBenefits of inApp messages and app push notifications in this sectorThrough the use of inApp messages and app push notifications, there are different advantages for your company:The effectiveness. Communication with your audience is established at the beginning and, moreover, directly. When you receive a message, you are aware of its existence and it is very difficult for you to ignore it. The same does not happen, for example, with an advertisement inserted in the mediaThe immediacy of the impact. From the moment the message is sent until the recipient receives it, barely a second passesThe interaction. The recipient of the message contacts the company by opening it and reading it or clicking on the possible link that is included. It is easier to achieve the desired effect: salesThe user lives this personalized experience because his name, a promotion based on his tastes, birthday gifts can be included in the message, etc. The communications that are established will not be considered as mere spamAdapting to this challenging sector, it allows you to update the offer depending on the season, personal preferences or marketing campaignsIn conclusion, inApp messages and app push notifications will help your business maintain successful communication with customers. We make it easy for you to use it. If you want more information, visit our website. You will find information about these services. Get in touch with us and take the opportunity to use the free version of our products. When you try them, they will finish convincing you!