Use Cases
24 NOV. 2021
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WhatsApp Business API in the Healthcare Sector

Could digitization help improve patient service?

Yes, digitization is becoming widespread in companies in all sectors, why should health be different? Especially in this area, offering direct and agile service to users is extremely important. Therefore, from indigitall we tell you how to achieve it with WhatsApp Business API.

The benefits of the WhatsApp Business API service in the health sector

Virtually no one doubts the advantages that WhatsApp offers to the companies. The data from this application speaks for itself: 1,500 million users and 60,000 million messages sent daily. It is, without discussion, the application most used by the Spanish. A compelling reason why, as a company, you are there. And much more if you work in the health sector!

Were you aware that, in the last year, online sales of non-prescription products in pharmacies have amounted to 130 million euros? This data can help you understand how users begin to value the digital channel, also in the health sector. Dentists, aesthetic clinics, pharmacies … Many companies in the sector can use this tool to offer users a much more agile, personalized and direct care. Without forgetting, of course, the need to strictly respect the regulations related to the protection of personal data.

At this point, you are surely wondering how WhatsApp Business API can help your health-related business, right? Here are some brush strokes.


We begin with the most important functionality of all and that, however, is not always implemented due to the enormous face-to-face tradition that still exists in the sector. We are talking about telemedicine, that is, the possibility of assessing, diagnosing and providing treatment to the patient directly through this channel.

We know that it may seem very complex, but in China telemedicine is already being established with very good results in a context in which avoiding queues and crowds has become very important. Xuhui Hospital virtual care or technological solutions such as Ping An Good Doctor are good examples of this.

Resolution of doubts

But there are other advantages, and much more affordable. One of them may be the simple resolution of minor doubts, such as inquiries about the center’s hours or the address. In these two cases, for example, we could opt for automation in the responses. Although, we can also manually screen and address doubts related to treatments or any unforeseen problem or problem that the user experiences.

Send reminders

Perhaps the most widespread use of WhatsApp Business API in the health sector is the sending of appointment reminders. This is useful for patients, but also for the center: in this way you can reorganize your schedule if the user communicates that they will not be able to come at the agreed time.

Online sales

If your health business offers products or services, do not forget that WhatsApp Business API can help you with their dissemination. It also offers you the possibility of sending direct links to your online store.

Different use cases of the WhatsApp Business API

We are going to show you some real examples of how WhatsApp Business API can help in the healthcare sector. Take note.

  • Angela Project. A virtual assistant that helps patients with any chronic disease.
  • Health services of Andalusia, Valencia and Madrid. They have managed up to 80 million appointments.
  • The Catalan Institute of Health. Manages by this means clinical consultations, 88% of which are resolved without the need for travel.

And these are just a few cases, there are many more possibilities! If you want to join this growing trend, trust indigitall as a specialist in the implementation of these services.

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