12 APR. 2022
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Improve your customer service with WhatsApp Business API


The WhatsApp Business API will offer you the possibility to have a conversation with a real user. Through the bot that generates indigitall, you can offer automated responses according to the doubts raised by the user about a product or service and automate, while improving an important part of your customer service.

We are talking about an increasingly popular solution among companies looking to improve their customer service. And, being artificial intelligence software, the bot is capable of replacing a human being and reaching high levels of complexity.

Benefits of chatbot in customer service

Some of the functionalities that we offer in indigitall are, precisely, related to AI, so we know well the advantages that can mean for your company to have an automated response service for customer service. Here’s why implementing everything WhatsApp Business API provides will help improve your customer service.

These are the advantages of implementing this automatic solution:

1. The service is continuous

Offers, subscriptions, password recovery… indigitall’s software is able to answer the most repetitive questions 24 hours a day. You can take care of these tasks while the company’s staff takes care of other tasks in which it is more productive.

And what if the user’s question is complex? These robots are able to detect emotions, such as confusion or anger, in a text. In such cases, they will refer their responses to department staff, who may respond at a later date.

2. Respond immediately

There is a frequent complaint in users who contact customer service departments: waiting time. With a smart chat they won’t have to listen to a music looping, or talk to different people to solve their problem. Immediacy reigns; the answer is instantaneous and, therefore, a user can solve their doubts in just seconds.

To this we must add that the WhatsApp Business API tool is more agile for some procedures than a worker. What does this mean? The possibility of serving several customers at the same time.

3. Customize the experience

The collection of data from previous conversations to offer more customized answers to each user, in addition to capturing very valid information for the company about their consumption habits. They can also send all kinds of content, or even links, simulating the language used by the user and thus enabling their loyalty.

Having the WhatsApp Business API tests the innovation capacity of your business. Did you know that, in addition, this method is preferred by millennials to make inquiries to companies before making the purchase?

Take advantage of the benefits that an intelligent chat can bring to your brand and follow the networks of indigitall to be up to date with all kinds of topics that can grow your business.

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