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16 JAN. 2023
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WhatsApp Business API for Atlético de Madrid Club


WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging applications today. Its versatility is well known, as is its ease of use. That is why its version for companies, WhatsApp Business API, is being such a success. Different companies see its potential to establish a communication channel with their customers that guarantees both a quick response and total user satisfaction. Stay with us to learn about the case of Atlético de Madrid.

Solving doubts in a simple way

At indigitall we are committed to the use of this application for business, and we are excited to see effective use cases that end up being a success. This is the case of Atletico, which takes good advantage of the possibilities of WhatsApp Business API.

The customer who decides to go to him will initially establish contact with a chatbot, an artificial intelligence that will answer most of the common doubts that arise. 

However, for more specific questions you will always have access to a human operator belonging to the Club’s own customer service, by typing “Agent”, who will answer during the Member Service hours. 

You can start the conversation from your computer or cell phone with a simple “Hello”. The chatbot will answer you immediately and offer you a number of options.

This is one of the main advantages of this WhatsApp version offered by the WhatsApp API, which you can configure depending on what your business is like. Atletico, well aware of its potential and international audience, asks the user to indicate the language they speak, Spanish or English. This way, it doesn’t matter where the Atlético fan or supporter comes from: the bot will have ready its possible answers in both languages.



The bot will then list different options. Specifically, ten: from finding out the team’s calendar, to becoming a member or finding out the nearest official store. Note that some options will lead you to more specific ones, as we will show you in an example below.


The clear way in which the main menu is divided, will make you navigate in a simple way, pressing the key or number linked to the corresponding question or request. The bot will explain your questions in an easy to understand way, and will help you find just what you need.

 In addition, the bot’s programming allows it to answer queries from the first menu; this prevents you from having to go back to the beginning or take more steps than necessary to reach the information you want.

Another important advantage of this channel is that you can incorporate a link to a website where the user can expand the information. As in the case of the store option used by Atlético.

And finally, the natural conversation, one of the strengths offered by the WhatsApp conversation. In this case, once the customer already knows the initial menu, and feels that he should go straight to the point to solve his doubt, because let’s say he is a partner who has already interacted in the past, the Bot can understand phrases and contextualize them so that together with the Artificial Intelligence it responds directly to the user:



And where, with Machine Learning incorporated, the Bot is trained with each conversation so that it understands more and better and the ‘margin of error’ in the answers is less and less.


More business opportunities

One aspect that cannot be left out in this use case is the wording of the content displayed by the bot. It is as important to program a quick response as it is to program appropriate, clear and informative messages. Atlético has opted for usefulness and for not cramming the reader with text; after all, these small messages have to be as direct as possible and save the user’s time.

A long text, full of empty explanations that do not solve the doubts of the person using the application, would be useless. The tone used is also important, especially when you have created segmented messages.

In this case, the team has opted for a close and positive style. They have also included emoticons to reinforce the message and make it more visual. This is a point that you should not forget if you are going to use this tool: this increases the attractiveness of the messages and does not saturate the user with an excess of text. The possibilities of live chat are enormous, speeding up the whole customer service process and freeing the staff from the most common and easy to solve doubts so that they can focus on dealing with the really complex ones.


And if for any reason more detail is needed, Atletico’s WhatsApp always offers the possibility of talking to an agent, since, if it is more comfortable for the user or if their doubt is not reflected in any of the possibilities, they will also be offered a solution.



The WhatsApp Business API is definitely a very useful tool for businesses, and allows you to automate much of the customer service process.

At indigitall we can help you with your company’s WhatsApp account.

Related topics: Success Story